How to Add Another Ball of Yarn When Knitting: Ball Up Your Knitting

HomeTechniquesHow to Add Another Ball of Yarn When Knitting: Ball Up Your...

When adding another ball of yarn when knitting, it is important to overlap the old and new yarn for a few stitches, then continue knitting with the new yarn. This will ensure that the seam is smooth and secure.

Have you ever been knitting a project and ran out of yarn? Don’t worry! Adding another ball of yarn is an easy process.

All you need to do is:

  • Overlap the old and new yarn for a few stitches
  • Continue knitting with the new yarn
  • Secure the ends later

After that, you can resume your project as if nothing happened. With just a few simple steps, you’ll be able to go back to working on your knitting project in no time!

Gather Supplies

Before you can begin, be sure to gather the supplies you’ll need: scissors, needles, and two spools of thread.

It’s also a good idea to do some research into your pattern and make some gauge swatches first so that you can determine the right needle size for your project. This is important because it ensures that your finished product will turn out as desired.

Furthermore, it’s essential to choose yarns of similar weight and texture for your project in order to achieve a consistent look throughout. Also, depending on the type of project, additional tools such as stitch markers or cable needles may be needed.

Once you have all of the supplies gathered, it’s time to begin knitting! But before starting with a new ball of yarn, make sure to overlap the old one with the new one for a few stitches to ensure they are securely attached together.

This connection should then be continued while knitting with the new yarn until all strands are connected. And don’t forget about securing both ends later on – this is an important step that must not be overlooked!

With everything now ready, you can confidently move forward with your knitting and enjoy creating something beautiful!

Overlap the Old and New Yarn

As you join the two pieces of fabric together, it’s like weaving a tapestry of colors, creating a strong bond to ensure your work is secure.

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To connect the old and new yarn and maintain tension control, overlap them for a few stitches while carefully blending the colors. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Make sure the two ends of yarn are close to each other without crossing or tangling.
  2. Pull gently on both ends when overlapping so that the yarn stays even and taut throughout your knitting project.
  3. Ensure that there’s no looseness or slack between the old and new yarn as you join them together.

With careful attention paid to these steps, you’ll be able to create an invisible transition between your old and new balls of yarn so that your finished piece looks seamless!

Continue Knitting with the New Yarn

Once you’ve securely overlapped the two yarns, continue knitting with the new one to create a beautiful and intricate project.

As you work, consult the pattern you’re using to ensure your tension is correct and your stitch size is even. If necessary, adjust your tension so that all stitches look uniform and consistent.

Pay close attention to how tight or loose you hold onto the yarns as this affects the outcome of your finished product.

It can take some practice to get used to working with two strands at once. There may be tangling when switching between yarns, but with patience and practice, these issues should subside over time.

Experiment with different techniques if you find it difficult to transition between old and new yarns.

Familiarize yourself with common knitting mistakes and learn how to troubleshoot them quickly before they ruin any progress on a project.

If one strand appears thicker than another or if there’s snagging when switching between old and new yarns, take a few moments to assess the issue before continuing knitting.

Adding another ball of yarn while knitting can be quite simple when done correctly. Remember to overlap securely for a few stitches, adjust tension as needed, consult patterns for accuracy, experiment until finding what works best, recognize common mistakes, and troubleshoot them quickly.

Check your tension when completing each row for gorgeous results every time!

Check Your Tension

Checking your tension regularly is essential for creating a successful project; in fact, experts suggest that you should be checking it after every row!

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Making sure your tension is correct involves two things: checking gauge and using appropriate tensioning methods. To check your tension, you can use a ruler or measuring tape to measure how many stitches are in an inch. You also want to make sure that your yarn isn’t pulled too tightly or too loosely when knitting; this requires some practice but will help ensure even stitches throughout the project.

Here are four tips for achieving accurate tension:

  • Make sure you’re aware of what type of stitch pattern you’re working with
  • Experiment with different types of needles and yarns until you find the combination that works best for you
  • Take breaks while knitting and stretch out your hands often
  • Pay attention to how much pressure and movement is involved as you knit each stitch

These tips can help improve consistency and accuracy in your projects as well as reduce fatigue while knitting. With these helpful hints, getting the right tension becomes much easier!

Moving forward, it’s important to secure both old and new ends so they don’t unravel over time – something we’ll discuss next.

Secure the Ends

To ensure your project remains intact, it’s essential to secure both old and new ends by overlapping a few stitches. This will create a neat finish that won’t come undone. Your alternative techniques could include tying the two yarns together or using a crochet hook to manage the overlap. If you’re having trouble with either of these methods, here are some troubleshooting tips:

Technique Troubleshooting Tips
Tying Yarn Together Make sure your knot is tight enough for the yarn not to slip apart but not too tight that it affects the tension of your work.
Crochet Hook Method Hold the hook in one hand and use your other hand to guide each yarn through when looping them together. Pull on each end to tighten. Remember not to pull too hard as this can also affect tension.

When you’re done securing both ends, you may notice small bumps along your knitting where you connected the two pieces of yarn together – don’t worry! These bumps should smooth out when you weave in loose ends with a darning needle later on. Transitioning into this step is easy; all you need is patience and attention-to-detail so that nothing comes apart during weaving in those pesky little strings!

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Weave in Loose Ends

Now that you’ve secured the ends, it’s time to weave in those loose strings and complete your project with a polished finish – giving your hard work the attention it deserves.

Depending on the type of yarn you used, there are alternative methods for weaving in these ends. It’s best to match the colors of the yarn so that the ends blend into their surroundings.

A great way to start weaving in your new ball of yarn is by using a tapestry needle or crochet hook. Push the needle or hook through several stitches of fabric near where you connected them together. Leave a tail behind that is long enough to be woven back into itself as well as securely tied off at a later stage. Repeat this process until all strands have been woven in and blended into the fabric seamlessly.

You should also use scissors to trim any excess material after weaving it back into itself. This will help keep your knitting looking neat and professional. Make sure not to cut too much because if you do, it could cause snagging or unraveling down the road when washing or wearing it.

When finished, give yourself a pat on the back for taking time out of your day to make something special! You can now proudly show off your hard work knowing that every last detail was taken care of with precision and care!


You’ve done it! You’re now ready to continue with your knitting project.

By slowly overlapping the old and new yarn and knitting with the new yarn, you can easily add another ball of yarn without any trouble.

And by taking a few extra steps to check your tension and secure the ends, you’ll have a beautiful project that will last for years to come.

So go ahead and bask in your accomplishment—you deserve it!

Katherine Pearce
Katherine Pearce
Katherine Pearce is a knitting enthusiast and the founder of With a deep passion for the craft, Katherine aims to make knitting accessible to everyone, regardless of their skill level. Through, she provides online tutorials and resources to help others discover the joys of knitting and develop their skills.

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