How to End a Finger Knit: Finishing Touches for Your Projects

HomeTechniquesHow to End a Finger Knit: Finishing Touches for Your Projects

Finger knitting is a fun and easy way to create knitted projects without using needles. To end finger knitting, cut the yarn, pull the tail through the last loop, and tighten. This creates a knot that secures your project. Finger knitting is great for kids or beginners who want to try knitting without investing in needles or other tools.

Finger knitting is a great way to create beautiful accessories, garments, and artwork. Just ask Amaya, who recently finger knit a cozy scarf for her daughter’s birthday.

After many hours of careful work, Amaya was ready to finish her masterpiece—but didn’t know how to end it properly. If you’re in the same situation as Amaya, then here are some tips on how to end your finger knitting with ease!

Cutting the yarn, pulling the tail through the last loop, and tightening will ensure that your project looks professional and neat.

Cut the Yarn

To finish off your project, it’s time to snip the string and secure your work! The best way to do this is by using a pair of scissors to cut the yarn at the end of your finger knitting.

Make sure you leave enough excess yarn for binding techniques or knotting methods that you’ll use later. When cutting, be careful not to pull too hard on the yarn or else it may unravel.

After cutting, tie a small knot in the end of your yarn so that it won’t fray while you’re working with it. This will also make sure that all those lovely stitches stay put!

With the cutting complete, you can move onto securing your work with a few simple steps.

Pull the Tail Through the Last Loop

Gently tug the string with all your might, as if you’re trying to move a mountain – it’s the only way to finish this project!

To pull the tail through the last loop of your finger knitting, you must use a looping technique. This will ensure that you don’t accidentally knot together any of the other loops in your work. Once you have identified the last loop, slowly and carefully thread the loose end through it using an appropriate knotting basics tool such as tweezers or a crochet hook. Make sure to keep tension on the yarn so that it doesn’t unravel while pulling it through.

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Once you have successfully pulled your tail through the last loop, take a step back and admire your beautiful work! All of your hard effort has paid off; now all that remains is to tighten up that final stitch before celebrating a job well done.

Take some time to appreciate how far you have come – from selecting materials to mastering various techniques – finishing this piece is truly something special!

Now that everything is ready, make sure you are holding onto both ends of the yarn firmly between two fingers before gently pulling them apart in opposite directions until there is no slack left in between. This process should be done quickly but cautiously so as not to create too much tension on either end which could cause damage or deterioration of quality over time.

You’ll know when it’s done when there’s no more wiggle room left in-between each side and they fit snugly against each other like two puzzle pieces.

And just like that, with one simple gesture, finger knitting has been completed! What was once an intimidating task has now become an accomplishment – giving life and structure to colorful threads and transforming them into something unique and beautiful!

Tighten the Last Loop

Congrats! You’ve made it to the final step of your finger knitting journey, and all you need to do now is give that last loop a tight squeeze.

To ensure that your project stays together, it’s important to gauge the tension of the loop you just pulled through to make sure it’s secure.

Here are some ways to tighten that last loop:

  • Pull on both ends of the yarn while keeping the loop in place with one hand
  • Wrap yarn around your finger a few times before pulling it through
  • Use a crochet hook or tapestry needle if needed for extra security
  • Tie a small knot at the end after pulling tight for an extra secure knot

Tightening this final loop will help ensure that your hard work doesn’t unravel and will keep your project looking neat.

After making sure that everything is secure, you’re ready for the next step – weaving in those pesky ends.

Weave in the Ends

After all the hard work, it’s time to give your masterpiece the finishing touch by weaving in those pesky little ends! Secure knots and hide tails with a few simple steps. Securing knots and hiding tails will ensure that your finished item is sturdy and looks professional.

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Weaving in the ends is easy to do and can be done with any type of yarn or thread. Here is an overview of how to weave in the ends:

Step Action
1 Thread the tail onto a tapestry needle (or large sewing needle).
2 Pull the tail through several stitches on wrong side of fabric.
3 Repeat step two until you run out of tail. Trim off excess yarn if needed.
4 Weave in any remaining tail into fabric on wrong side using same method as step two. Trim off any remaining excess yarn when complete.

It’s also important to make sure that you don’t pull too tight when weaving in the ends, as this may cause puckering or distortion on the right side of your work. Taking care not to tug on stitches while working with them will help keep your project looking neat and uniform throughout its completion. With these tips, you should have no trouble weaving in those last few pesky ends!
Now it’s time for one final step – trimming off any excess threads so that they won’t come unraveled later on down the road.

Trim the Yarn

Now that you’ve woven in the ends, it’s time to give your project a final touch – trimming off any excess yarn!

The finish technique you choose for your project will determine what kind of yarn selection is best. If you’re looking for a neat edge, use sharp scissors and cut the yarn close to the knitting. If you’d rather have a more rustic look, it’s recommended that you leave around an inch of extra yarn before cutting. For an even softer finish, use feltable wool and submerge it in warm water after cutting the yarn.

After deciding on your finish technique and selecting the appropriate yarn, it’s important to make sure that the tails sticking out from each side are trimmed evenly. This will help keep your finger knitting looking neat and tidy overall.

When using sharp scissors, be careful not to pull too hard when snipping or else your knitted stitches may unravel! Once both sides have been trimmed neatly, all that is left to do is admire your finished piece!

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You can take pride knowing that all of your hard work resulted in something truly unique and handmade with love. Your beautiful creation will last for years if taken care of properly – so go ahead and enjoy your project!

Enjoy Your Project!

Well done – you’ve created a beautiful, one-of-a-kind item that’s sure to be admired for years to come! Take some time to really appreciate the results of your hard work.

Finger knitting is no easy feat, and you should celebrate your achievement for completing it. Now it’s time to admire your project! Enjoy looking at the intricate design and texture of your finger knitting piece.

Whether it’s a scarf, a hat, or something else entirely – take time to examine all the details and be proud of what you’ve accomplished.

If you want to make this special project last even longer, consider preserving it in some way. If your piece is made from wool yarn, for example, hand wash it with cool water and lay flat until completely dry. You could also frame the finished product in order to hang on display or gift it as an extra special present.

No matter how you choose to enjoy your project now that it’s finished – give yourself a pat on the back for learning such an amazing skill! You can now proudly show off all that you have achieved with finger knitting.


You did it! You’ve just finished your finger knitting project. Now all that’s left to do is tie off the yarn at the end.

To finish up, cut your yarn and pull the tail through the last loop. Make sure you tighten it up securely so your project stays together.

After that, weave in any remaining ends and trim away any leftover strands of yarn.

Congratulations on creating something beautiful with your own two hands! On average, finger knitting projects take about four hours to complete – but once you get into a rhythm, you’ll be done in no time!

Katherine Pearce
Katherine Pearce
Katherine Pearce is a knitting enthusiast and the founder of With a deep passion for the craft, Katherine aims to make knitting accessible to everyone, regardless of their skill level. Through, she provides online tutorials and resources to help others discover the joys of knitting and develop their skills.

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