What Is a Yarn Over in Knitting? Wrap It Up for New Holes & Openings!

HomeTechniquesWhat Is a Yarn Over in Knitting? Wrap It Up for New...

A yarn over is a simple but versatile knitting technique that is used to create decorative holes or eyelets in a project. It involves wrapping the yarn around the needle before or after a knit or purl stitch, which creates an extra stitch and a small gap in the fabric. Yarn overs can be used to create lace patterns, openwork designs, or decorative borders in a variety of knitting projects.

Have you ever wondered what a yarn over is in knitting? Well, it’s a technique that creates a hole in the fabric by wrapping the yarn around the needle.

Yarn overs are an essential part of any knitter’s skillset and can be used to create decorative patterns, increase stitches, and more!

In this article, we’ll go over how to do a yarn over as well as different types of yarn overs, how to use them in projects, benefits of using yarn overs, and troubleshooting tips.

What is a Yarn Over?

You’ve heard of a yarn over, but do you know what it is? Let’s explore how this simple step can add texture and character to your project.

A yarn over (abbreviated as YO in most knitting patterns) is an essential part of the knitting basics, and often pops up when pattern reading. It’s a technique that creates a small loop or hole in the fabric by wrapping the working yarn around the needle. This is usually done during the course of a row or round of stitches, and can be used for decorative purposes or to create lace-like effects.

When you make a yarn over, you’ll need to remember to increase your stitch count on that particular row or round. The number of extra stitches created depends on how many times you repeat the process, so it’s important to keep track of your increases when making multiple yarn overs in one row or round.

Additionally, some patterns may call for a decrease after a certain number of yarn overs; if not specified otherwise, this will likely mean decreasing by one single stitch with either knit two together (k2tog) or purl two together (p2tog).

A yarn over can also be used as an alternative way of casting on extra stitches at the beginning of a row – particularly useful if you’re trying to pick up stitches along an edge without leaving huge gaps between them! To do this simply make one wrap around the needle then pull through another loop onto it before continuing with your regular knitting pattern.

Yarn overs are incredibly versatile and useful techniques which can open up all sorts of possibilities when creating projects from scratch – perfect for those looking to take their knitting skills beyond basic patterns! Moving forward, we’ll look at how exactly these steps are carried out so that you can use them confidently in any project.

How to Do a Yarn Over

Unlocking the secrets of a yarn over can be like unlocking the door to a mysterious castle—it’s worth learning how to do it!

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A yarn over is a technique used in knitting that creates an extra stitch and results in a hole in the fabric. It’s important to master this skill as it can be used in many different types of stitch patterns and knitting styles.

Here are some tips for mastering this essential knitting move:

  • Hold your working yarn at the back of your work.
  • Insert your right needle into the next stitch on the left needle, then wrap your working yarn around the right needle from back to front.
  • Pull through, creating an extra loop on your right-hand needle.
  • Slip off one stitch from left-hand needle and one from right-hand needle together.

This creates one extra stitch that was created by wrapping your yarn around for a ‘yarn over’! With practice, you will soon have no trouble achieving beautiful lace patterns and other intricate designs using these yarn overs.

Now that you know how to do this essential knitting move, why not explore all of its possibilities with different types of stitches?

Different Types of Yarn Overs

Once you’ve mastered the yarn over technique, you can start exploring all sorts of exciting new stitch patterns and knitting styles.

Yarn overs come in a variety of shapes and sizes depending on where they are used in a pattern repeat. The most common type is the “knit-yarn-over” (Kyo), which is when the yarn is passed from front to back over the needle after a knit stitch has been completed.

Then there are other types, such as “slip-stitch-yarn-over” (Ssyo) or “purl-yarn-over” (Pyo). These variations create unique texture and design elements within a piece of fabric.

Yarn overs can also be used to increase the size of your project by creating extra stitches. To do this, simply wrap the yarn around your needle twice instead of once when making a Kyo or Pyo to create two stitches instead of one. This is called an “increase yarn over” (Iyo).

This technique can be used to shape garments with more ease or add interesting details like ruffles or eyelets.

In addition, yarn overs have many decorative applications too! You can use them to make intricate lace patterns, like openwork cables or filet crochet designs. Or try mixing up different types of yarn overs together for even more creative possibilities!

By combining different types and techniques, you can make truly unique pieces that stand out from traditional knitting projects.

Armed with these different methods for using yarn overs, it’s time to move on to putting them into practice in projects!

How to Use Yarn Overs in Projects

Let’s explore how to use yarn overs in projects.

Lace patterns are often created with yarn overs. By wrapping the yarn multiple times around the needle, you can create intricate and delicate designs.

Increase and decrease techniques also involve using yarn overs. By making extra wraps around the needle, you can add stitches or remove them depending on your project.

Lace Patterns

Gaining access to lace patterns requires an understanding of the sophisticated techniques used to craft delicate fabric with intricate openwork. A key part of knitting these intricate designs is the use of yarn overs, which create holes in the fabric and can be used to shape a design.

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To create successful lace patterns, it’s important to familiarize yourself with knitting charts or diagrams that illustrate the stitches involved in a pattern. You should also learn the sequence of stitches needed to execute a design, as well as blocking techniques that help even out tensions when blocking the finished piece.

In addition, you should become familiar with increase and decrease techniques used to shape your project, as well as different types of yarn over methods such as double and triple wraps for larger holes. By mastering these aspects, knitters can easily make beautiful projects using lace patterns.

Moving on from here, you can explore how increase and decrease techniques are useful in creating more complex shapes…

Increase and Decrease Techniques

You can use increase and decrease techniques to craft intricate shapes, drawing the eye with suspenseful twists and turns that will make your project truly unique. Increasing tension in the knitting will create a firmer fabric while decreasing tension results in a looser fabric. With these techniques you can carefully control the size of each stitch as well as the number of stitches used to form a pattern or shape.

Increases Decreases
Yarn Over (YO) Knit Two Together (K2TOG)
Make One Left (M1L) Slip Slip Knit (SSK)
Make One Right (M1R) Pass Slip Stitch Over (PSSO)

Increase and decrease techniques give you endless options for customizing your knitwear; from shaping collars or sleeves to creating textured designs, there are no limits! Transitioning into yarn overs now allows for even more possibilities when it comes to crafting beautiful garments.

Benefits of Yarn Overs

Discovering the beauty of a yarn over can add texture and detail to your knitting projects. Whether you’re looking for a way to increase your stitch count or just want to create an interesting pattern, a yarn over is sure to help.

By mastering this simple technique, you can unlock countless possibilities for unique stitch variations in your work. Gauge swatching with yarn overs can be particularly helpful if you’re trying to get the right fit for any project that requires measurements, such as sweaters or socks.

Yarn overs are an easy way to create extra stitches without having to alter the working pattern, so they can be invaluable when it comes to creating garments that are exactly the right size. Plus, since they don’t take up much space on your needles, they won’t affect the gauge of your project too much either.

In addition to its practical benefits, using a yarn over also adds visual interest and dimensionality to any knitted fabric. A plain stockinette stitch might seem mundane at first glance, but adding some decorative holes created by strategically placed yarn overs will instantly elevate it into something special.

Experimentation is key here–try different types of yarns (such as mohair or alpaca) and see how this affects the look of your fabric! Yarn overs are an essential technique for any serious knitter–not only do they offer practical advantages like increased stitch counts and better sizing accuracy, but they also provide a great way to bring out the beauty of even basic patterns with just a few strategically-placed stitches.

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With these benefits in mind, why not give them a try? Troubleshooting tips for yarn overs are next…

Troubleshooting Tips for Yarn Overs

Bringing texture and detail to your knits doesn’t have to be tricky – a simple yarn over can make all the difference! But if you’re having trouble mastering this technique, here are some troubleshooting tips to get you on the right track.

One of the most common causes of difficulty when doing a yarn over is incorrect tensioning. Make sure your yarn isn’t too tight or too loose as it will make it difficult for the loop to form properly. You should also pay attention to how much tension you are using when wrapping the yarn around the needle – if it’s too tight then the stitch won’t be able to slide off easily when knitting your next row.

Another issue could be that your working yarn has become snagged or tangled up in other stitches, so take care to keep your stitches neat and tidy while you work. If these basic fixes don’t help resolve any issues with your yarn overs, try changing up how tightly you wrap them around the needle.

If that still doesn’t do the trick, there are several helpful videos available online showing different ways of forming a successful loop. As well as providing valuable tips from experienced knitters, taking a look at these videos can also help give you an idea of what correct tensioning looks like and help build up your confidence in executing this technique correctly.

Once you’ve got the hang of making consistent loops with good tensioning, check out different patterns and techniques for more interesting textures and details in your projects! Experiment with placing multiple wraps on one stitch or playing around with where exactly on the needle you place each wrap-around – these small changes can really add something special to your knits!

And don’t forget that practice makes perfect – keep honing those skills until they start becoming second nature. With enough patience and dedication, soon enough creating beautiful texture through yarn overs will come just as naturally as any other knitting skill!


Wrapping up, a yarn over is an essential technique for any knitter. It’s easy to master and provides a variety of benefits to your projects.

Whether you’re looking for added texture or just want to add a bit of flair, a yarn over can help you out. Not only does it give your project more depth and dimension, but it also creates beautiful holes that are perfect for lace work.

Plus, with just a few simple tips and tricks, troubleshooting won’t be an issue either. So don’t hesitate – start mastering the art of the yarn over today!

Katherine Pearce
Katherine Pearcehttps://knittingpassion.com
Katherine Pearce is a knitting enthusiast and the founder of KnittingPassion.com. With a deep passion for the craft, Katherine aims to make knitting accessible to everyone, regardless of their skill level. Through KnittingPassion.com, she provides online tutorials and resources to help others discover the joys of knitting and develop their skills.

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