How to Do a Cable Knit Stitch: Weaving Magic into Your Projects

HomeTechniquesHow to Do a Cable Knit Stitch: Weaving Magic into Your Projects

The cable knit stitch is a decorative stitch pattern that involves rearranging stitches on a cable needle. To do a cable knit stitch, knit the next stitches on the left needle, then knit the stitches from the cable needle. This technique creates a twisted stitch that adds texture and interest to your knitting project. There are many variations of cable knit stitches, including 2-stitch cables, 4-stitch cables, and more.

Cable knitting is a great way to add extra texture and depth to your knitting projects. With just a few simple steps, you can create beautiful cable patterns that will make your knitting stand out from the crowd.

In this article, we’ll be taking you through how to do a cable knit stitch by rearranging stitches on a cable needle, knitting the next stitches, then finally knitting the stitches from the cable needle.

Let’s get started!

Gather Your Supplies

To embark on your journey to the exquisite art of cable knitting, you’ll need to gather the necessary supplies, such as a cable needle and yarn. Understanding yarn weights is important when selecting needles; heavier weight yarns require larger needles while lighter weight yarns require smaller needles.

You’ll also need scissors and a tapestry needle for weaving in ends. Additionally, it’s helpful to have stitch markers or scrap pieces of yarn handy for marking stitches or rows.

Once you’ve gathered all the supplies needed for cable knitting, it’s time to prepare the cable needle. Cable needles come in various sizes and shapes; choose one that fits comfortably in your hand and is appropriate for the size of your project. If you’re using a circular needle, make sure that the length of your cable needle is shorter than that of your circular needle so that it won’t get tangled up with other stitches while working on your project.

Now that you have all the supplies ready, it’s time to start learning how to do a cable knit stitch! To begin this process, you’ll need to rearrange some stitches onto a cable needle before knitting them off again later on in the pattern.

This technique helps create intricate patterns by crossing two sets of stitches over each other at different intervals throughout the pattern. Once you’ve rearranged these stitches onto a cable needle, simply knit off those next few stitches as normal before returning back to those previously placed on hold with the help of your trusty cable needle!

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Finally, once all these steps are complete, you can proudly admire your beautiful new cabled creation!

Prepare the Cable Needle

Before you embark on a journey of intricate creativity, make sure your ‘tools’ are ready. The cable needle must be prepped for weaving its magical tapestry.

To get started, ensure you have the right size and type of cable needle for your knitting project. Cable needles come in various sizes and materials such as wood, plastic, or metal. Choose one based on the yarn weight and pattern instructions.

Measure an appropriate length of yarn for your chosen needle—it should be slightly longer than the width of the intended cable stitch.

With the right side of your work facing you, insert the cable needle through each stitch as instructed in your pattern before slipping them onto it. Firmly hold onto both ends of the cable needle so that stitches don’t slip off while rearranging them.

Once all necessary supplies are gathered and prepped correctly, you’re ready to begin working with cables! Remember to keep tension loose when slipping stitches from one needle to another to maintain uniformity throughout your work.

To move forward with this knitting technique, continue on to learn how to rearrange stitches on a cable needle.

Rearrange Stitches on Cable Needle

Now you’re ready to rearrange your stitches on the cable needle, and create a beautiful tapestry of texture and design – so let’s get started! Cable knitting is all about mixing patterns, working backward, and creating intricate cable patterns. To do this successfully, it’s important to know how to rearrange stitches on the cable needle. Here are some tips for making sure you get it right:

Step Description Tips
1 Slip stitches onto the cable needle Slip the desired number of stitches onto the cable needle one at a time while holding them in place with your thumb and index finger
2 Holding the cable needle in front or back of work according to pattern instructions
3 Knit next required number of stitches from left hand needle as usual
4 Knit off the stitches from the cable needle

By following these steps carefully, you’ll be able to easily rearrange your stitches on a cable needle. You should also make sure that you keep track of which direction you need to move your yarn when doing different types of cables. Doing this will help ensure that your cables look even and professional when finished. Once you become comfortable with rearranging your stitches on a cable needle, there is no limit to what kind of designs you can create! You’re now ready for an exciting new challenge – knitting next set of stitches!

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Knit Next Stitches

Ready to take your knitting to the next level? It’s time to dive in and get knitting those next stitches – so don’t be afraid to take the plunge!

Now that you’ve followed instructions, understood your pattern, and counted out your stitches on the cable needle, it’s time for this next step. Knit the next stitches as directed in your pattern. You should find it easier now that you’re familiar with how a cable knit stitch works.

If you need help at any stage of this process, refer back to your pattern or ask an experienced knitter for advice. Then, once you’ve completed this step, it’s time to move onto the final part: knitting from the cable needle.

Your hard work will soon pay off, and you’ll have a beautiful cabled finished product!

Knit Stitches from Cable Needle

Once you’ve mastered the rearrangement of stitches, it’s time to take your knitting to the next level by tackling those from the cable needle. Knitting these stitches will give you a beautiful cable knit pattern on your project that looks more complicated than it really is.

To begin, make sure the stitches are properly positioned on the cable needle before transferring them back onto your right-hand needle. You’ll need to hold the cable needle at an angle so that all of the loops are facing downward when you transfer them back onto your right-hand needle.

Depending on what type of pattern you’re working with, there may be several different ways to work with this step:

  • For basic alternative patterns, simply transfer all of the stitches from one side of the cable needle onto your right-hand needle first and then work those stitches in pattern before transferring the remaining stitches onto your right-hand needle.
  • If you’re working with a longer cable length, such as 8 or 10 rows, start by transferring half of the stitches from one side of the cable needle onto your right-hand needle first and then work only those transferred stitches in pattern before transferring over any remaining ones.
  • When working with very intricate patterns with multiple cables crossing each other, it’s best practice to always keep track which cables should be crossed when transferring over and working them off of your cable needles.
  • Finally for very intricate designs involving multiple cables crossing each other it can also be helpful to use markers between each set of crossed cables so that they don’t get confused when transferring and knitting them from their respective needles.
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Now that you’ve learned how to move these complicated cables around and keep track while knitting them up into beautiful patterns, let’s move on to some finishing touches!

Finishing Touches

After mastering the rearrangement of stitches, you’re ready to take your project to the pinnacle of perfection by adding a few finishing touches!

After knitting all the stitches from the cable needle, begin weaving in any loose threads from your work. It’s important to maintain proper tension on each stitch, as this will help keep your pattern neat and even. If there are any gaps between stitches or if your pattern looks uneven, use a crochet hook or needle to tighten up the rows and columns.

Finally, look over your entire pattern for any mistakes or areas where you may have missed a stitch. It’s easy to miss a stitch when creating complex patterns such as cables; however, these can be easily fixed with some careful inspection and manipulation of stitches with a crochet hook.

Once you’ve checked everything over and made sure that all stitches are correct, you can finally declare your masterpiece complete!


You’ve done it! You just completed a cable knit stitch. Congratulations on learning this new skill.

Not only is cable knitting beautiful, but it’s also a great way to challenge yourself and learn something new. As they say, “practice makes perfect.” So don’t be discouraged if you don’t get it right the first time. Keep practicing and you’ll be an expert in no time!

Finally, remember that with anything in life, hard work pays off – so keep at it!

Katherine Pearce
Katherine Pearce
Katherine Pearce is a knitting enthusiast and the founder of With a deep passion for the craft, Katherine aims to make knitting accessible to everyone, regardless of their skill level. Through, she provides online tutorials and resources to help others discover the joys of knitting and develop their skills.

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