How to Start a New Ball of Yarn When Knitting: Easier Than You Think

HomeTechniquesHow to Start a New Ball of Yarn When Knitting: Easier Than...

Starting a stitch in knitting is easy and straightforward. To start a stitch, you’ll need to cast on the required number of stitches and follow your knitting pattern. This will help you create a neat and tidy project that looks great and is easy to follow.

Starting a new ball of yarn when knitting can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right supplies and a few simple steps, you can easily transition from one ball of yarn to the next.

All you need to do is knit a stitch with both the old and new yarn, then drop the old yarn.

After that, continue knitting until your project is finished.

So don’t worry – starting a new ball of yarn isn’t as hard as it seems!

Gather Supplies

You’re almost ready to craft your masterpiece! All you need now are the essential supplies.

To start, gather all of the materials needed for your project. You may need yarn, knitting needles and a pattern. Choose a pattern that fits your skill level so you can create something beautiful with ease. If you’re new to knitting, it’s best to choose an easy pattern like a scarf or blanket.

Make sure you have enough yarn for your project; it’s better to err on the side of caution when selecting how much yarn is needed.

After gathering all of the necessary items, you’re ready to move onto preparing for starting a new ball of yarn when knitting.

Prepare for New Yarn

Before you start a new ball of yarn, it’s important to measure the length of your old yarn. To do this, take a tape measure and wrap it around the ball several times until you reach the end.

Once you have determined how much yarn you will need for your project, cut off the end of your old yarn with a pair of sharp scissors.

Measure Length of Yarn

To ensure you’ve got enough yarn for your project, measuring its length before continuing is essential.

Before cutting the old yarn, check how long it is by holding it up against a ruler or other measuring tool.

Make sure that the new ball of yarn matches the gauge and tension of the old one to maintain consistency in your work. This can be determined by comparing the size of each ball and making sure that each strand has similar tension control.

Once you’re certain that both strands are compatible, you can proceed with connecting them together.

Cut Old Yarn

Carefully snip the old yarn to make way for its replacement, feeling the tension of its fibers in your hands one last time before you move on.

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Your choice of yarn selection and weaving techniques will have a great impact on the outcome of your project, so it’s important to take extra care when cutting off old yarn. Make sure you cut cleanly and evenly so that the transition between the old and new is as seamless as possible.

Now with the yarn snipped, it’s time to begin preparing for starting a new ball of yarn.

Start New Yarn

To start a new ball of yarn, you’ll need to attach the new yarn to your needle.

To do this, thread the end of the yarn through the eye of a tapestry needle and then pull it onto your knitting needle. Then, knit a stitch with both old and new yarn before dropping the old one – this will secure them together so there are no loose ends.

Attach New Yarn to Needle

You can easily attach a new yarn to your needle; in fact, over 60% of knitters finish their projects using more than one ball of yarn.

Here are some tips for attaching the new yarn:

  • Store your new yarn by keeping it in a plastic bag or container. This will help keep any tangles from forming and make it easier to work with.
  • Make sure that you have enough length of the new yarn so it extends beyond the old one when knotting them together.
  • Create a knot between the two pieces of yarn by looping each end around two fingers and then pulling them tightly together and away from each other. This will create a secure knot that won’t come loose while you are knitting.
  • If necessary, trim any excess ends off both pieces of yarn after they are securely knotted together.
  • Finally, slide the newly attached piece of yarn onto your knitting needles and you’re ready to get started!

Attaching a new ball of yarn doesn’t have to be difficult; with these simple tips, you’ll be able to do it quickly and easily. Now that the new piece is attached, you can move on to knitting a stitch with both old and new yarns for seamless transitions throughout your project.

Knit a Stitch with Both Old and New Yarn

Now that you have attached your new yarn to the needle, it’s time to knit a stitch with both the old and new yarn. This is an important step in creating a seamless transition between colors when knitting. To ensure the stitches stay even and avoid any snags, there are some tips you can use for tension control:

To start, hold both ends of the yarn in your left hand, slightly above the needle. Leaving enough slack in each strand while still keeping them taut is key for transitioning smoothly. Next, insert your right-hand needle into the next stitch on the left-hand needle as if to knit. Wrap both strands of yarn around your right-hand needle by bringing them over then under before pulling through a loop and transferring it onto your left-hand needle. This simple trick helps keep tension consistent throughout all stitches. Lastly, gently pull on each end of the yarn to make sure they are secure before moving on to the next stitch.

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Tension Control Troubleshooting Tips
Hold both ends of yarn Insert right hand needle into next stitch
Leave enough slack in each strand Wrap both strands of yarn around right hand needle
Keep them taut Pull through loop and transfer onto left hand needle
Gently pull on each end of yarn before moving on

These few steps will help you master tension control when knitting with two colors together – making starting a new ball simpler than ever! Once complete, you’ll be ready to drop old yarn and continue knitting with ease!

Drop Old Yarn

It’s time to let go of the old and embrace the change! Now that you’ve knitted a stitch with both the old and new yarn, it’s time to drop the old yarn.

As soon as you have finished tensioning the new yarn, you will be able to let go of the old one. Take care not to pull too tightly on either side when joining strands, otherwise your knitting project may become distorted or difficult to work with.

Once you’ve joined the two strands together, cut off any excess yarn from both sides if necessary. Then carefully remove any knotting of your old yarn before dropping it off your needles or crochet hook.

If this is your first time working with multiple colors in one project, make sure that you keep track of which strand is which so that it won’t get confusing later on.

Dropping off an old ball of yarn can feel like saying goodbye to something familiar and comfortable but don’t worry! The more confident you become in switching between different colors and textures, the easier it will be each time – just practice makes perfect!

You might even find yourself looking forward to changing up colors for future projects for a unique look and design.

Now that you’ve dropped off your old ball of yarn, all that’s left is continuing with your present color until it’s time for another switch-up!

Continue Knitting

After joining the two strands together, you can now confidently continue knitting with your present color until it’s time for another switch.

As you progress on your project, take care to pay attention to your stitch selection and knitting tension. This will ensure that the yarn remains tightly connected as you knit.

Make sure each row is even and consistent, and ensure no stitches are dropped or skipped. Check for any knots or tangles in between stitches, and be aware of how tight or loose each stitch is knitted. Pay attention to how many rows have been knit towards completion.

These steps will help guarantee a smooth transition from one strand of yarn to another without having any imperfections in the finished product.

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In addition, if you notice any mistakes while knitting, make sure that they are corrected before moving onto the next section. This will also prevent any issues when it comes time to finish off the project.

Finish Project

You’ve come so far in your project, now it’s time to tie up the loose ends and finish it off with a flourish! Before you get started, there are a few things you should know about finishing off a knitting project. Saving time and storing yarn correctly is essential for completing your project quickly and efficiently.

Saved Time Stored Yarn Finishing Project
Fasten off any remaining stitches securely at the end of each row. This will help prevent any fraying or unraveling that may occur over time. Wind up any leftover yarn into balls or cakes so that they don’t get tangled while not in use. This will make them easier to find when you need them again later on. Sew together two pieces of fabric using a mattress stitch if needed; this will provide extra durability and stability to your finished product. Finally, weave in all loose ends using an appropriate weaving technique such as the invisible knot or kitchener stitch. Doing this will ensure that everything stays put and no one can tell where the old yarn begins and new one starts!

When it comes to fastening off, be sure to use the correct method for your particular type of yarn – some require special knots or loops while others just need basic slip stitching techniques. And make sure you leave enough slack at both ends when winding up your leftover yarn so that you don’t create too much tension on either ball or cake when you go to knit with it again later on! After all these steps have been taken care of, give yourself a pat on the back – you’ve completed your knitting project!


You’ve done it! You’ve managed to start a new ball of yarn while knitting. Now your project will have a consistent look and feel.

As you finish the last few stitches, there’s an overwhelming sense of accomplishment in knowing that you made it this far. Suddenly, you realize why this was so important to you – the same design that began when you started is now complete.

It feels like everything has come full circle and all the hard work has been worth it. Congratulations on taking on such an intricate task – you should be proud of yourself!

Katherine Pearce
Katherine Pearce
Katherine Pearce is a knitting enthusiast and the founder of With a deep passion for the craft, Katherine aims to make knitting accessible to everyone, regardless of their skill level. Through, she provides online tutorials and resources to help others discover the joys of knitting and develop their skills.

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