How to Knit a Blanket with a Loom: A Beginner’s Guide to Loom Knitting

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To knit a blanket with a loom, one can wrap yarn around pegs, working back and forth or in the round, and looping stitches over. It’s important to keep the tension consistent and to use the appropriate size yarn for the loom being used.

Knitting a blanket with a loom is an easy and enjoyable way to create something beautiful.

You’ll be amazed at how quickly you can make a cozy, warm blanket that’s perfect for snuggling up in.

All you need are some yarn, the loom, and the know-how of wrapping around pegs, working back and forth or in the round, and looping stitches over.

With just these few steps you’ll have your own homemade blanket in no time!

Let’s get started!

Gather Supplies

Before you can get started, it’s important to make sure you have all the necessary supplies. You’ll need yarn, a loom, and some pegs!

When choosing needles for your project, opt for a size that’s compatible with the yarn weight. You’ll also need something to secure the pegs onto the loom. This could be rubber bands or thread, depending on your preference.

It’s important to note that different looms will require different sizes of needles and securing options. So, make sure your supplies are compatible before beginning. Once you’ve gathered all the right supplies, you’re ready to select your yarn.

Select Yarn

Deciding on the perfect yarn for your project can be fun and exciting! When choosing yarn for knitting a blanket with a loom, there are several important elements to consider:

  • Evaluating the weight of yarn – Yarn weight is an indicator of how thick or thin the strand of yarn is. Knowing this information will help determine which type of loom to use and what size needle will work best.
  • Examining fiber content – Different fibers react differently when exposed to heat, moisture, and wear and tear. Selecting the right fiber can ensure that your project will last a long time.
  • Considering color – The colors you choose can make or break the look of your finished product. Pick colors that complement each other, or create contrast with bold hues if you prefer more drama in your design.
  • Deciphering yardage – Knowing how much yardage is needed for your project can save you from making multiple trips to the craft store!
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No matter what type of yarn you select, it’s sure to bring texture and personality to your handmade blanket. Now that we’ve selected our material, let’s thread our loom so we can get started on creating something special!

Thread Yarn Through Loom

Now that you’ve selected the perfect yarn for your project, let’s thread it through the loom and start making something special!

Depending on the size of your loom and weaving patterns you’re using, this step can vary. To begin, make sure the yarn is pulled from its skein and laid out in a flat line.

Then you’ll need to attach one end of your yarn to the bottom side of your loom. Secure it with an overhand knot or double knot if needed.

Once secured, wrap the yarn around each peg in either a clockwise or counterclockwise direction until all pegs are covered. Make sure you don’t leave any gaps between pegs as this will affect how well everything holds together later on.

When threading through larger looms, it may be easier to divide up lengths of yarn into smaller sections before wrapping each one around a set number of pegs at once – rather than trying to wrap them all individually. This can help speed up the process while also ensuring that there aren’t any gaps in between stitches when finished.

When working with multiple colors at once, just remember to keep track of which color goes where so that everything looks uniform in the end!

Once all your pegs have been wrapped with yarn, you’re ready to move onto actually creating loops with these threads – otherwise known as ‘knitting’! It can seem intimidating at first but don’t worry – as long as you know where each strand should go and how much tension needs to be applied when looping them over-you’ll soon get into a comfortable rhythm and enjoying watching your blanket come together!

Making a blanket from scratch might sound daunting but by breaking down each step into manageable chunks like this one-threading through looms-it becomes much more approachable and enjoyable overall! With artistic options for different weaving patterns and many sizes available for both beginner knitters or experienced pros alike-the possibilities are practically endless!

Wrap Yarn Around Pegs

Securely fasten your yarn and start looping it around the pegs, watching as a beautiful pattern begins to take shape!

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When wrapping yarn around the pegs of your loom, be sure to measure tension with each pass. This is essential for creating an even weave.

There are two main weaving techniques you can use: over-under or under-over. Experiment with both methods to see which one works best for you and how it affects the look of the blanket.

To ensure a secure grip on each peg, wrap your yarn twice around before proceeding onto the next peg.

As you continue wrapping and weaving, you’ll notice that your work is coming together wonderfully – producing an intricate design that was once only in your imagination!

Work Back and Forth or in the Round

Discover the beauty of weaving your own creation as you work back and forth, or in the round! Let the intricate design come to life with each pass of the yarn, creating a masterpiece that you can proudly call yours.

Alternating patterns and textures will bring further richness to your artwork, adding depth and character. As you continue to weave, consider using different colors for added visual interest – a subtle transition from one hue to another can really set off your project.

The repetitive motions of loom knitting are calming while at the same time offering an opportunity for creative expression. You don’t need prior experience; just some patience and willingness to try something new. It’s like creating an entire piece of art right before your eyes!

Start by working back and forth or in the round until you get the hang of it; then let yourself be guided by what feels most natural as you progress through each step in this meditative craft-making process.

By following these simple steps, you’ll soon have a beautiful blanket made entirely out of yarn! The satisfaction from having created something special with just your own hands is incomparable – so enjoy every moment as much as possible!

Now that all the pegs are fully wrapped around with yarn, it’s time to move onto looping stitches over them in order to finish off your blanket with perfection.

Loop Stitches Over

Gently tugging the yarn, your fingers move in gentle, rhythmic motions as you loop stitch after stitch over the pegs. Loop stitches are a fundamental knitting technique for creating textured effects and patterns on your loom-knitted blanket.

To create these intricate loops, start by wrapping yarn around two adjacent pegs from front to back. Then, take the yarn from behind and wrap it around the peg that is two pegs away from where you started. Pull the yarn snugly so that it is tight against each peg. Repeat this by wrapping around two more adjacent pegs and then passing over two more to create one complete loop stitch.

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Once you have learned how to form a single loop stitch, consider incorporating purl stitches into your blanket design for added texture and dimensionality. To do this, simply follow the same instructions as before but reverse the direction of each stitch—wrap around two adjacent pegs from back to front instead of front to back—to create a purl loop stitch pattern on your loom-knit blanket. This will add an interesting visual element while also providing extra warmth and insulation due to its raised texture.

When it comes time to bind off your finished project, use a crochet hook or knitting needle to carefully unravel each looped stitch across all of the pegs until only one last loop remains at either end of your blanket.

With careful attention paid to these finishing touches, you can proudly display your handmade knitted creation with confidence!

As knitters become more experienced with using their looms they may want to experiment with different types of loops such as e-wraps or s-wraps which produce unique textures and patterns when used in combination with other techniques like those mentioned above.

With practice and patience, anyone can master the art of loop stitches on a loom—allowing them to craft beautiful blankets that demonstrate their creative skills!


You can do it! Knitting a blanket on a loom is simple and satisfying.

Once you get the hang of it, you’ll be creating beautiful blankets in no time.

Sure, it may seem intimidating at first, but with practice comes progress!

Imagine yourself cuddling up in your handmade blanket—the warmth of the yarn and the satisfaction of seeing your hard work pay off will make every stitch worthwhile.

So take this new skill and run with it! You won’t regret it.

Katherine Pearce
Katherine Pearce
Katherine Pearce is a knitting enthusiast and the founder of With a deep passion for the craft, Katherine aims to make knitting accessible to everyone, regardless of their skill level. Through, she provides online tutorials and resources to help others discover the joys of knitting and develop their skills.

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