How to Knit Pillow Covers: Cozy Up Your Cuddles

HomeKnitting PatternsHow to Knit Pillow Covers: Cozy Up Your Cuddles

Knitting pillow covers involves creating a square or rectangular piece in a desired stitch pattern, then sewing up the edges. You can choose to use any type of yarn and stitch pattern that you like. Once you’ve completed your cover, you can insert a pillow form and enjoy your cozy new addition to your home decor.

Are you looking for a fun way to add a unique, handmade touch to your home décor? Knitting pillow covers is the perfect way to do it! With just a few supplies, you can easily create beautiful and cozy pieces that’ll make any room look great.

In this article, we’ll show you how to knit pillow covers by creating a square or rectangular piece in a desired stitch pattern; then sewing up the edges. So grab your needles and let’s get started!

Gather Supplies

Gather all the supplies you’ll need for this project – it’s time to make some cozy additions to your home!

First, choose the type of yarn you’d like to use. Consider a worsted weight yarn or chunky yarn depending on how dense and cushy you want your pillow covers to be.

Estimate the amount of yardage you’ll need based on the size of pillow form or cushion insert that will fill it. You may also want to get some stitch markers and a measuring tape if they aren’t already in your knitting bag.

Finally, mark down any pattern notes so that when you start knitting, everything is ready and easy-to-follow.

Now let’s choose a yarn and stitch pattern!

Choose a Yarn and Stitch Pattern

Selecting the right yarn and stitch pattern is essential in order to achieve the desired look for your finished pillow cover.

When picking colors, consider what type of mood or feeling you want to evoke, such as playful or sophisticated. You also need to take into account any existing color schemes in the room where it will be placed.

Additionally, consider how much time you want to spend knitting, as certain stitch patterns may require more attention than others. Selecting stitches that work well with your chosen yarn is also important; if they’re too complex, they can overwhelm the delicate texture of some fibers, while if they’re too simple then the overall design might become dull.

Make sure that whatever stitch pattern you choose coordinates with your choice of colors and fiber type so that everything works together harmoniously when completed.

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Begin Knitting

Now that you’ve chosen your yarn and stitch pattern, it’s time to start knitting your pillow cover! Learning the basics of knitting is essential before beginning a project. If you’re just starting out, it may be helpful to find an online tutorial on how to cast-on and the basic stitches used in most patterns.

Once you understand the basics, it’ll become easier to follow patterns.

When ready, measure out a few feet of yarn from your ball and begin casting on for your pillow cover. Depending on the size of your pillow, you may need to use more or fewer stitches when casting on. Make sure each stitch is even as this will affect the shape and size of your finished piece.

Afterward, knit in whatever stitch pattern you’ve chosen until the piece reaches your desired length or width (depending on if creating a square or rectangle).

Be sure to count stitches often while knitting so that you don’t make any mistakes. You can also use markers every 10-20 rows so that you can keep track of where you are at in the pattern easily without having to count every single row.

Doing this will make sure that all sides of your pillow cover remain equal in length/width as well as give a nice neat finish with no gaps between pieces when sewing together later on.

Once finished with knitting, double-check that all edges are even before continuing onto sewing up the edges together – this way there won’t be any surprises later!

Sew the Edges Together

Having ensured that all edges are even and the shape is correct, it’s time to sew the pieces together for a neat finish.

There are several edge stitching techniques available for finishing knitted pillows. These include mattress stitch, whipstitch, and crochet slip stitch.

Mattress stitch is best used when you have two pieces that have been knit side-by-side, as it creates an invisible seam. Whipstitch is ideal for joining two sides of a single piece of fabric together in order to create a rectangle or square pillow cover. Lastly, crochet slip stitch can be used to join any number of pieces together along their edges for a secure finish.

Once you’ve chosen your preferred method, there are some helpful seam finishing techniques to keep in mind when sewing your pillow cover together.

It’s important to take care not to pull too tightly on your stitches so that the finished product looks neater and more professional; this will also ensure that the seams lie flat against one another without bunching up on either side of the seam allowance.

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Another technique which can help make your seams look more polished is snipping off any excess yarn from the back side with scissors before weaving in any loose ends—this will help reduce bulkiness at the seams and make them look smoother overall.

Finally, it’s important to double check all of your stitches once you’ve completed sewing up the edges of your pillow cover so that they’re secured correctly into place and won’t come undone easily over time due to wear and tear.

This will result in a high quality finished product with minimal effort! For those wanting extra security or reinforcement near stress points such as corners or other areas where tension could occur during use, consider adding reinforcement stitches at these points before moving onto blocking the pillow cover.

Block the Pillow Cover

To get the perfect shape for your one-of-a-kind creation, take a few minutes to block your pillow cover – it’ll make all the difference!

Blocking is the process of shaping knitted fabric into its desired form. To do this, you’ll need some blocking materials such as pins, wires, or flexible blocking mats. Wet blocking is when you soak the item in cool water and then squeeze out excess moisture before pinning it into shape. This method works well for wool and other animal fibers that are more prone to stretching.

Once you’ve decided on what type of blocking materials to use, lay out a large towel or sheet on a flat surface and place your pillow cover on top. Pin it into shape according to the size dimensions given in your pattern instructions. Make sure that all edges are straightened and evenly aligned before leaving it to dry overnight.

If you decide to use wires for extra support, thread them through each side of your pillow cover and secure with pins at regular intervals so that they don’t move around while drying.

When dry, remove any pins or wires carefully and lightly steam press if needed using an iron set on low heat with no steam settings enabled. This will help soften up any stiff areas caused by wet blocking and give your pillow cover a nice finish without risking damage from direct heat exposure.

You can also brush down any loose fibers left behind after taking off the pins or wires with a lint roller or soft brush for extra flair!

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Now that you’ve successfully blocked your pillow cover, why not add an extra touch of personality? Decorating it with beads, buttons, tassels, or pom-poms is an optional but fun way to make sure yours stands out from all others!

Decorate the Pillow Cover (Optional)

Add a unique flair to your pillow cover by decorating it with beads, buttons, tassels, or pom poms – it’s an easy way to make sure yours stands out from the rest! Accessorize options are endless, so choose the ones that match your aesthetic.

Here are some ideas:

  • Beads: Choose glass or plastic beads in various sizes and colors for a vibrant look. String them together on a thread and sew along the edges of the pillow cover for extra detail.
  • Buttons: For a more classic look, select matching buttons in different sizes and shapes to embellish the corners of your pillow cover.
  • Tassels: For a boho-chic vibe, use colorful tassels around the edges of your pillow cover. Experiment with different lengths and color combinations for an eclectic touch.
  • Pom-poms: Add texture to your creation by adding fluffy pom-poms at each corner. Choose colors that complement each other or go bold with multiple shades of one hue!

No matter what you decide to do, make sure it reflects your style while also fitting in with the theme of any room where you plan to put it! Whether you opt for subtle accents or something more eye-catching, take time when selecting materials so you end up with something truly special that you can be proud of!


You’ve done it! You’ve knit a beautiful, unique pillow cover. It’s time to show off your hard work and proudly display it in your home.

Now that your project is complete, you can enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes from creating something with your own two hands. But wait – what if you don’t like how it turned out?

Don’t worry; you can always take apart the stitches and start again. Knitting is an art form, and even if something doesn’t turn out perfect the first time, by trying again or adjusting your technique, you can make something truly special.

So don’t be afraid to experiment and create something beautiful!

Katherine Pearce
Katherine Pearce
Katherine Pearce is a knitting enthusiast and the founder of With a deep passion for the craft, Katherine aims to make knitting accessible to everyone, regardless of their skill level. Through, she provides online tutorials and resources to help others discover the joys of knitting and develop their skills.

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