How to Finish a Knitted Hat: Final Touches to Your Winter Headwear

HomeTechniquesHow to Finish a Knitted Hat: Final Touches to Your Winter Headwear

Finishing a knitted hat involves weaving in ends, blocking for shape, and adding any desired embellishments. You can use pom-poms, tassels, or other decorative elements to personalize your hat. It’s important to follow the pattern instructions to achieve the desired result.

Are you stuck with a knitted hat that won’t seem to finish itself? Don’t worry! Finishing a knitted hat isn’t as hard as it looks.

You just need a few simple steps and you’ll be done in no time. It’s almost too easy – why, it’s like the hat is practically finishing itself!

All you need to do is:

  • weave in the ends
  • block for shape
  • add embellishments
  • seam the sides
  • sew on labels

Then all that’s left to do is check for final touches before your beautiful new hat is ready to wear.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

Weave in the Ends

With a crochet hook in one hand and your leftover yarn in the other, carefully weave the loose threads into their neighboring stitches to secure them in place. This is an essential step for any knitted hat project; it ensures that all of your hard work stays intact after you’re finished.

You can choose whichever yarn you prefer when weaving in the ends, though many experts recommend using a similar type and weight as was used for knitting. For example, if you were knitting with a bulky-weight wool yarn, use that same weight wool when weaving in the ends. The tension should be as tight as possible without distorting the shape of the hat or leaving visible gaps between stitches.

Once you’ve woven in both ends of each strand of yarn, trim them off close to the fabric so that they don’t unravel later on. If desired, use a tapestry needle to thread any stray fibers back through the knitwork before cutting them off completely. It’s important to be careful not to cut too much; make sure there’s enough length left on each end so that it won’t come undone over time!

Now that your hat is free of loose strings, it’s time to move onto blocking for shape. Blocking helps even out imperfections and gives your knitted piece its final form by making all edges straight and uniform while also opening up stitch patterns like cables or lace designs.

Many knitters find this step especially satisfying – once blocked, your hat looks complete! To block properly, start by lightly wetting down the entire piece with cool water until damp but not soaked through entirely. Then lay it out flat on a dry towel or blocking board according to its measurements and smooth out any wrinkles or creases with gentle pressure from your hands or pins if necessary.

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Allow this piece to air dry completely before moving onto adding embellishments such as pom-poms or tassels if desired…

Block for Shape

To complete that cozy cap, you’ve gotta give it some shape – and don’t skimp on the blocking, because it’s sure to make your hat look totally fab!

Blocking is a process of stretching and molding your knitted piece into its finished size and shape. Depending on the fibre content of your yarn, you can use steam or wet blocking for control over tension.

You’ll need to pin each section into its desired shape using rust-proof pins on a padded surface covered with a damp cloth or towel. If applicable, you’ll want to check any shaping instructions in your pattern for specific measurements.

Once everything is pinned in place, either steam the hat with an iron (on the wool setting) while holding it taut over the surface – taking care not to touch the fabric directly – or set aside until completely dry. This will ensure all those hard hours of knitting have been given a professional finish!

Once the hat is totally dry, remove all pins and admire how beautiful it looks! All those stitches now have structure and definition – making this project look even better than when it was off your needles.

With just one more step left in finishing up your project, let’s move onto adding any desired embellishments to really personalise this handmade piece.

Add Embellishments

Now it’s time to get creative and add those extra special touches that’ll take your project to the next level! Accessorizing a knitted hat is a great way to make it unique and one-of-a-kind.

You can use decorative stitches, appliques, pompoms, ribbons, tassels, buttons, or anything else you can think of. If you’re looking for ideas, there are plenty of resources online with step-by-step tutorials and guidebooks full of inspiration.

Adding embellishments to a knitted hat is a simple process that requires only basic materials such as scissors and thread. To start, decide what type of embellishment you would like to add and choose its placement on the hat.

For example, if adding an applique, simply sew or pin it in place before stitching around the edges with needle and thread. When attaching pompoms or tassels, be sure they are securely fastened so they don’t fall off when wearing the hat.

Buttons can also be added for decorative purposes as well as functionality – either by sewing them onto the body of the hat or using them as closures for slouchy styles. Ribbons can be used in multiple ways too; from tying into neat bows at the top of hats to weaving through eyelets along its brim for a more intricate look.

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No matter which style you go for, there are endless possibilities when accessorizing your knitted hat! With just some basic supplies and creativity, you can make a subtle yet stylish finish that will truly set your piece apart from all others.

Now, it’s time to seam up the sides so your new creation is complete!

Seam the Sides

Bringing your knitted masterpiece to life, you cinch the sides together with a few swift stitches, giving it the perfect finishing touch.

Taking care to maintain an accurate gauge and stitch pattern throughout, you use a whipstitch to join the two pieces of fabric together, creating a seam that is both strong and secure.

You are careful not to pull too tightly or leave too much slack in order for the seam to lie flat against the hat. Additionally, you take extra care to make sure that no loose ends remain after weaving them in as they may cause discomfort when worn.

You test out your work by trying on the hat yourself; ensuring that everything is fitting as expected before moving onto the final step.

With each careful stitch, you bring your vision closer and closer to reality until finally there is only one last task left: sew on labels.

Sew on Labels

Having put so much love and effort into your creation, it’s time to give it the perfect label to complete the look. Choosing labels for your knitted hat is a great way to personalize it and make it unique.

Whether you’re looking for something subtle or something more flashy, there are plenty of options available to choose from. When selecting a label, be sure to pick one that will hold up over time without damaging the fabric of your hat.

Attaching labels can be done in several ways depending on the type of label you select. If you’ve chosen an iron-on label, all you need is an iron set at a low heat setting and a pressing cloth or parchment paper to use as a barrier between the hat and the hot iron. After laying out your label with its adhesive side facing down, press firmly with the warm iron until secured in place. You may also want to use stitches if attaching traditional woven labels to ensure they stay securely affixed during wear and washing cycles.

You can also get creative by making your own labels! There are lots of tutorials online about how to create unique designs using embroidery floss or yarn – this is especially useful if you don’t have access to premade labels. Personalizing your knitted hats with handcrafted details not only adds character but makes them extra special too!

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With labels now attached, it’s time for one final check before completing your masterpiece – checking for final touches!

Check for Final Touches

Once your labels are in place, it’s nearly time to admire your beautiful work – all that’s left is giving it one final once-over!

Before you can call your knitted hat a finished product, you should check for consistency. Look at the stitches and inspect details like whether the color changes line up with each other. Make sure that everything looks neat and even before moving on to the next step.

The next thing to do is make sure that all of the ends have been woven in so they don’t unravel or come loose. Check around the edges of each piece and look inside any seams or sections where two pieces have been joined together. If there are still some stray ends sticking out, use a crochet hook or tapestry needle to weave them into the stitches of your knitted fabric.

To help give the hat its desired shape, blocking is recommended. Blocking involves wetting down your knitted piece and then pinning it into place on a flat surface while it dries so that it holds its shape better when worn. This helps smooth out any bumps or unevenness in the knitting as well as ensuring an even fit when wearing your new hat!

Finally, consider adding any embellishments such as buttons, embroidery floss designs, pompoms, tassels etc., if desired. Once you’ve added these finishing touches you can proudly show off your handiwork and enjoy wearing your new handmade creation!


You’ve done it! Your knitted hat looks great and you can be proud of your work. You’ve woven in the ends, blocked it for shape, added embellishments, seamed the sides and even sewn on labels if desired.

Now take a step back and admire your handiwork! Imagine how cozy and stylish you’ll look wearing this beautiful hat – or imagine giving it as a gift to someone special.

The warmth that radiates from the finished project is a reminder of your creative talent – well done!

Katherine Pearce
Katherine Pearce
Katherine Pearce is a knitting enthusiast and the founder of With a deep passion for the craft, Katherine aims to make knitting accessible to everyone, regardless of their skill level. Through, she provides online tutorials and resources to help others discover the joys of knitting and develop their skills.

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