How to Make a Big Knitted Blanket: Get Cozy with Your Craft

HomeProjectsHow to Make a Big Knitted Blanket: Get Cozy with Your Craft

Making a big knitted blanket requires more yarn, larger needles, and a larger pattern. It’s important to keep an even tension and count your stitches to ensure the blanket is even throughout. You can choose to use circular needles or knit in smaller sections and sew them together. Once you’ve completed your blanket, you can snuggle up and enjoy your cozy creation.

Are you looking to make a big knitted blanket? If so, you’ve come to the right place!

Knitting a large-sized blanket requires more yarn and larger needles than most projects, but don’t worry—it’s totally doable.

Plus, once you have the basics down, it can be a fun and relaxing project that yields amazing results.

So let’s get started! Here are the supplies and steps you’ll need to take in order to knit your very own beautiful big knitted blanket.

Gather Supplies

To get started, you’ll need ample yarn and big needles for your cozy creation! When choosing needles, the size of your project will determine the needle size. A bigger blanket requires larger needles so that it can hold more stitches to help create an even texture throughout. Typically, US 15 (10 mm) or US 17 (12 mm) circular knitting needles will work best when making a large blanket.

Selecting yarn also plays an important role in creating a big knitted blanket. Choose a yarn weight appropriate for the type of fabric you want to make; lighter weights are good for drapey fabrics while heavier weights are suitable for bulkier projects like blankets. Wool-blend and cotton-blend yarns are great choices because they’re both warm and durable enough to handle being handled frequently without losing their shape over time.

Aim for two or three skeins of each color—you may need more depending on how much yardage you need per color. When deciding on the amount of yardage needed, measure the bed in which the blanket will be placed by multiplying length times width (in inches). Divide this number by 36 to find out how many yards you’ll need—this is usually anywhere from 10-15 yards depending on the size of your bedding area.

To ensure accuracy, order slightly more than what was calculated; this way you won’t run out before finishing your project! Now that all materials have been gathered and yardage has been calculated, it’s time to pick out a pattern! Look through online resources or purchase a book with patterns specifically designed for large blankets—you can also try modifying existing patterns by increasing the row counts or using larger stitches if desired.

With everything ready at hand, there’s nothing stopping you from creating a beautiful big knitted blanket!

Calculate Yardage

You need to figure out the exact amount of yarn needed for your beautiful blanket – don’t skimp on yardage! It’s a good idea to measure the yardage before you start buying and storing yarn.

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A good rule of thumb is to purchase one more skein than what your pattern calls for, just in case you run short when knitting your blanket. To calculate the yardage, use a measuring tape or ruler to measure each skein, and then multiply it by the number of skeins you need for the size of your blanket.

When calculating yardage, also consider any changes that will affect how much yarn you’ll need. Tweaking gauge or changing needle size can require extra yarn depending on how big or small your blanket will be.

Additionally, if you plan on using different colors in your blanket design, make sure to have enough yarn for each color as well as additional if any mistakes occur during knitting. Also remember that standard-weight yarns are usually measured in yards per pound (ypp), which helps determine how many yards are in a given weight of a particular fiber.

If possible, try to find this information online so that it’s easier to keep track while shopping and storing supplies. Also note that some specialty fibers may not provide ypp ratings but do include length measurements within their packaging so make sure to read labels carefully when purchasing these kinds of materials.

Organize all supplies accordingly once they arrive at home – keeping them together makes it easier later when selecting colors and starting work on the actual project itself! Make sure that all necessary supplies are accounted for before beginning work; this way there won’t be any surprises along the way when making this big knitted blanket.

With careful calculations and planning ahead, knitting this large creation should go smoothly from start to finish!

Knit the Blanket

Now that the yardage calculations have been made, it’s time to get knitting and bring your beautiful blanket to life!

Depending on the pattern you’ve chosen, you’ll start by casting on a certain number of stitches. Make sure you’re using larger needles than usual — remember, this is a big blanket so you want it to be nice and loose when it’s finished.

Once you’ve cast on the right number of stitches, begin following your pattern repeat until you reach the desired length. As you continue with your knit stitches, be sure to check for any mistakes in your work every few rows. It may take several hours or days to finish depending on how large your blanket is, but soon enough all those knit stitches will form a beautiful piece of art!

When your blanket reaches its desired length, bind off all the stitches just like any other project. You’ll know it’s done when all the loops are off the needle!

Now that this step is complete, take some time to admire all those pretty knit stitches before moving onto blocking and finishing up. This is an important step that helps give this big knitted blanket structure and definition — making sure it looks perfect when finished.

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Block and Finish

Finishing up your knitted blanket requires a bit of extra care to bring out its full potential and make it look perfect. Depending on the pattern selection, you may need to add an edging technique or two along the edges. This could be something like a simple single crochet stitch or even adding fringe for a more decorative look.

Additionally, blocking the finished blanket can help set stitches and bring out the overall shape of the project. Blocking is done by wetting and stretching out the knit fabric until it has been placed in its desired final shape and then allowing it to dry completely before use or display.

Once your blanket is blocked, all that’s left is to weave in any loose ends from where pieces were joined together, sew on any buttons if needed, and give it one final inspection. Make sure there are no dropped stitches or incorrect patterns, as those will be difficult to fix after this point without unraveling large sections of knitting.

If everything looks good, you’re ready to move on! Finally, now that your knitted blanket is complete, take some time to appreciate all your hard work! The time spent crafting something with your own hands can be incredibly satisfying; so don’t forget to show off your newfound masterpiece once it’s finished!

Whether you choose to keep it for yourself or give it away as a special gift – enjoy every moment of being able to admire what you created! Now that you have completed this project successfully – why not try another? Perhaps knitting a scarf or hat would be enjoyable next – whatever you decide – have fun with each new challenge!

Enjoy Your Creation

Celebrate your accomplishment with pride – you’ve crafted a beautiful knitted blanket with your own two hands! Embrace gratitude for the patience and skill acquired while completing this project. Celebrate the achievement of having created something with beauty, warmth, and comfort to share with others or keep for yourself.

Now that it’s finished, here are some tips to help you enjoy your new creation:

  • Store it in a safe place where dust bunnies won’t have access.
  • Show off your work – hang it up as art or use it as decoration in any room.
  • Snuggle up on chilly nights – wrap yourself in its warmth.
  • Give it away as a gift – someone special will love its craftsmanship and thoughtfulness just like you do!

Your handmade knitted blanket is now ready to bring joy into your life and the lives of those around you. It’s time to start thinking about taking care of this precious item so that you can continue to enjoy it for years to come.

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Care and Maintenance

To ensure your knitted blanket stays looking beautiful for years to come, it’s important to take proper care and maintenance of it – just like when Sarah lovingly hand-washed her daughter’s blanket every week.

When storing your big knitted blanket, look for a place that is dry and cool. Avoid direct sunlight as this may cause the colors to fade over time. If you’re storing the blanket in a closet or drawer, make sure there are no moths or other pests that could damage it.

When washing your big knitted blanket, use lukewarm water and gentle detergent made specifically for wool items. Hand wash only and do not twist, rub or wring the fabric as this can damage the structure of the stitches. After washing, lay flat on a towel to air dry away from direct sunlight or any kind of heat source such as radiators.

If you need to iron out any wrinkles in your big knitted blanket, be sure to do so on its reverse side using a warm iron with steam setting turned off so you don’t risk damaging the yarn fibers with too much heat. For best results, use a pressing cloth between the iron and fabric so that only gentle pressure is applied where needed without causing stress on any one area of the fabric.

Once cleaned and dried correctly, folding is often preferable to hanging since large blankets can become quite heavy over time when hung up which can stretch them out of shape if left for too long. As with any knitwear item though, try not to fold them along their length as this will eventually create creases which may never come out completely due to their weight distribution when folded in half like this.


You’ve done it! Your big knitted blanket is complete, and you should feel proud of your accomplishment.

With its bright colors and soft texture, this blanket will keep you warm for many years to come.

When you wrap yourself in the comfort of this cozy creation, you can be sure that all your hard work has paid off.

The satisfaction of seeing your project from start to finish is one-of-a-kind—it’s like a hug from the universe itself!

Congratulations on making something beautiful with your own two hands—you deserve all the recognition for your hard work.

Katherine Pearce
Katherine Pearce
Katherine Pearce is a knitting enthusiast and the founder of With a deep passion for the craft, Katherine aims to make knitting accessible to everyone, regardless of their skill level. Through, she provides online tutorials and resources to help others discover the joys of knitting and develop their skills.

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