How to Knit Left Handed for Beginners: Southpaws Unwind!

HomeTechniquesHow to Knit Left Handed for Beginners: Southpaws Unwind!

Left-handed knitting can be challenging, but it’s definitely doable. To knit left-handed for beginners, hold the working needle in your left hand and follow standard knitting instructions in reverse. This may take some practice, but it’s important to find a method that works for you. Once you’ve mastered left-handed knitting, you can enjoy all the same knitting projects as right-handed knitters.

Knitting is a skill that can take years to perfect, but the journey doesn’t have to be difficult. Learning how to knit left-handed may seem daunting at first, but with some patience and practice, you’ll soon find yourself creating beautiful pieces of fabric art.

Imagine taking long strands of colorful yarn and transforming them into something special—all with your own two hands! Whether you’re a beginner or experienced knitter looking to switch up your style, this article will show you how to get started knitting left-handed in no time.

Understand the Basics of Knitting

If you’re a newbie to the craft of knitting, it’s time to get acquainted with the basics! Before you start knitting left-handed, make sure that you have all of the necessary tools, such as needles and yarn.

You’ll also need a crochet hook in order to cast on stitches. Once you have all of your supplies, it’s important to understand how to read patterns and do gauge swatches.

A gauge swatch is basically a small sample piece of fabric that helps you determine if your tension is correct for the project. It will tell you how many stitches per inch or centimeter your fabric should be when knit correctly.

Now that you know the basics of knitting, it’s time to learn how to hold the working needle in your left hand so that you can knit left-handed. To begin with, keep the yarn in your right hand and use your right index finger as a guide for wrapping around each stitch on the left needle.

It may feel awkward at first, but don’t worry; this will become more comfortable with practice. As you wrap each stitch onto the right needle, move both hands towards one another until they meet halfway along the needles where they form an ‘X’ shape with their arms crossed over one another – this is called ‘working position’.

When knitting left-handed, always remember that standard instructions are reversed: instead of slipping stitches from left needle to right needle (which would be done when knitting right-handed), slip them from right needle to left instead.

Also remember that when increasing or decreasing stitches, these too should be done in reverse order – for example if a pattern says “knit two together” then as a left-handed knitter, instead “purl two together” instead.

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With some practice and patience, soon enough you’ll be able to knit like a pro! Once comfortable with holding needles in reverse positions and following instructions backwards, it’s time to start practicing by making simple projects such as scarves or dishcloths before moving onto more complex items like sweaters or hats. Good luck!

Hold the Working Needle in Your Left Hand

With the working needle firmly in your left grasp, you can start the journey of knitting left-handed with confidence. Learning techniques such as how to properly hold the yarn in your left hand, different types of stitches, and troubleshooting tips for difficult patterns will help you on your way.

Knitting left-handed may take some getting used to and may feel awkward at first, but with patience and practice, you’ll be able to create beautiful projects in no time. So now that you have a firm grip on your working needle, it’s time to move onto executing standard knitting instructions in reverse.

Concentrating on this task requires focus and attention so that each stitch is made correctly. The great thing about learning a new skill is the sense of accomplishment once it’s mastered! You’ll be able to share stories of success with other knitters who have gone through the same experience as you.

With dedication and determination, you’ll soon become an expert knitter – even if it is left-handed!

Follow Standard Knitting Instructions in Reverse

Gaining confidence in knitting left-handed can be achieved by mastering the skill of following standard instructions in reverse – a feat that takes dedication and patience!

When it comes to gauging tension and yarn weight, follow the same guidelines you would when knitting with your right hand, but remember to knit them in reverse. For example, if you’re instructed to ‘knit two stitches’, instead of following this instruction as is, you’d ‘purl two stitches’.

Additionally, if the pattern calls for a certain number of rows to be knit before changing colors or switching up the stitch pattern, make sure to count how many rows have been knitted in reverse. The key is to always keep track of what type of stitch was used last so that when reverting back to regular knitting instructions, you can do so accurately.

Another important step when learning how to knit left-handed is taking time familiarize yourself with any new patterns or stitches. Before attempting a project on your own, practice reversing each new stitch multiple times until comfortable with its motion and rhythm.

It’s also beneficial to use stitch markers throughout your work—they’ll help you easily keep track of where each row begins and ends.

With these tips in mind and some extra practice under your belt, soon enough you’ll be able to confidently read standard knitting instructions backwards like an expert!

Familiarize Yourself with the Different Knitting Stitches

Get to know the diverse array of knitting stitches, and you’ll be sure to have your creative juices flowing like a river! Learning the terms for different types of stitches is essential for any knitter.

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From knit stitch (or garter stitch) to purl stitch (or stockinette) plus ribbing, cable, lace, seed & moss stitch- being able to recognize and create these basic stitches will help you become a more confident left-handed knitter.

It’s also important to understand gauge swatches as they’re key in creating patterns that fit properly. A gauge swatch is a small piece of fabric created using the same yarn and needles that will be used in the larger project. By measuring this swatch, you can determine how many stitches per inch your project should contain.

Once you’ve familiarized yourself with all these learning terms and principles of gauge swatches, it’s time to put them into practice! Start out by making some simple projects like scarves or washcloths that use only one type of stitch so that it’s easy to remember which direction you should be knitting in.

As you gain more experience working with different types of yarns and needle sizes, move on to more complex pieces such as hats or sweaters where multiple types of stitches are required.

Practice makes perfect when it comes to learning how to knit left-handed! With patience and dedication, soon enough your skills will improve drastically and you’ll be able to craft beautiful pieces with ease – regardless if it’s done right-handed or left-handed!

Practice Makes Perfect

You can’t expect to become a master knitter overnight, but with consistent practice and dedication you’ll soon be able to craft stunning pieces without having to worry about which hand you’re using.

To make the most of your time, try implementing some motivation techniques and time management strategies into your knitting routine. Find a regular space in your home that is comfortable for you and set aside dedicated blocks of time for knitting. Make sure not to overextend yourself by setting realistic goals that are achievable within the timeframe that you have available.

As you become more familiar with knitting left-handed, take on more challenging projects like hats or scarves. If a stitch is proving difficult, break it down into smaller steps so that it’s easier for your brain to process.

As with any skill, practice makes perfect when it comes to knitting left-handed – there will be moments when things don’t go as planned but don’t let this discourage you! Keep pushing forward one stitch at a time until the project starts coming together.

Once comfortable with basic stitches such as garter, stockinette and ribbing stitches, challenge yourself further by learning how to purl or create cables or lace patterns with your left hand instead of right hand. With enough practice over time, these new techniques will eventually become second nature and will help build confidence in all aspects of knitting projects whether using right or left hand.

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Now it’s time to get creative with different yarns and patterns! Experimenting with different materials can open up an array of possibilities for designing intriguing pieces – from sweaters and shawls to cowls and mittens – all made from the comfort of your own home!

Get Creative with Different Yarns and Patterns

By experimenting with different textures and fibers, you can open up an array of unique possibilities for crafting stylish garments and accessories with just a single needle in the comfort of your own home! Whether you’re exploring textures, experimenting with colors, or trying out new patterns, there are endless options when it comes to creating something special with yarn.

Plus, left-handed knitting adds its own level of challenge to the process. To get started, take some time to explore all the different types of yarns that are available. There are a variety of materials such as wool, cotton, acrylic and even bamboo that each come in various colors and weights. Once you’ve chosen your favorite type of yarn for your project, it’s time to start thinking about how you want to use it.

Do you want to create something delicate and lacy? Or maybe something bulky and cozy? The possibilities are truly endless! You might also choose to incorporate different stitches into your design or find inspiration from existing projects online. This will help give your knitwear an extra personal touch.

If you’re feeling adventurous you could try creating cables or intarsia techniques – both of which require more advanced skills but can yield beautiful results when done right! When working on a complex pattern remember not to rush – take time between rows so that you don’t make mistakes along the way.

Knitting left-handed is a great way to test your creativity while exploring new materials and mastering challenging techniques at the same time. Don’t be afraid to experiment – who knows what kind of amazing things await discovery! With a little patience and practice, soon enough anyone can become an expert knitter in no time at all!


Learning to knit left-handed can seem intimidating, but with a few simple steps and some practice, you’ll be creating beautiful projects in no time.

You’ll soon find that knitting left-handed is just as rewarding as it is enjoyable. With each stitch you complete, you’re stitching together your own unique piece of art that will be treasured for years to come.

As you continue on your journey of crafting with yarn, let the creative possibilities unravel in front of you and enjoy watching your work take shape!

Katherine Pearce
Katherine Pearce
Katherine Pearce is a knitting enthusiast and the founder of With a deep passion for the craft, Katherine aims to make knitting accessible to everyone, regardless of their skill level. Through, she provides online tutorials and resources to help others discover the joys of knitting and develop their skills.

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