How to Add Different Color Yarn When Knitting: Color Your World

HomeTechniquesHow to Add Different Color Yarn When Knitting: Color Your World

Adding different color yarn when knitting is a great way to create patterns and designs in your knitting. To add a different color, simply start a new row with the new color and weave in the ends later for a neat finish.

Adding a second color to your knitting is an easy way to add interest and texture to any project. With just a few simple steps, you can create something unique and beautiful.

All you need to do is start a new row with the new color, work the pattern as usual, secure the new color, and weave in the ends for a neat finish.

Let’s take a look at how it’s done so you can start incorporating different colors into your next project!

Choose Your Yarn Color

Choosing the right yarn colors can make a huge difference in your project’s outcome, so take your time and pick wisely! There’s an abundance of color palettes available to you, so consider dyeing techniques such as variegated or self-striping yarns for a unique look. You can also mix and match different hues to create a custom blend that’s one-of-a-kind.

Additionally, the weight of the yarn impacts its drape and texture. This is something to consider when selecting shades for your project. Once you’ve decided on the perfect combination of colors, it’s time to get started with adding them into your knitting pattern.

To begin, start a new row with the new color you wish to use. This will ensure that each hue stands out against one another without any bleed through from other strands nearby. As you move along, be sure to weave in ends securely afterwards for a neat finish.

No matter which way you choose to combine colors into your knitting project, have patience and enjoy every stitch!

Start a New Row with the New Color

To create a unique pattern, you can use contrasting strands to symbolize the contrast between life and death, light and dark. Just begin your next stitch with the new hue for an eye-catching impact.

Working with two different yarn colors at once may require adjusting your tension to keep them from becoming too loose or tight. Use a smaller needle than what’s recommended on the yarn label when mixing colors as this’ll help maintain even tension throughout your project.

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When you’re ready to start adding in the second color of yarn, it’s important to make sure that the previous strand is securely tied off so it doesn’t unravel while knitting. Begin by making a slip knot with the new color and pull it through the last stitch of your current row before continuing on with your pattern. This’ll ensure that there are no gaps in between where each color starts and stops.

With practice, you’ll soon master how to incorporate multiple colors into any knitting project for beautiful results!

Work the Pattern with the New Color

Using the new color, work your way through the pattern step-by-step and you’ll be amazed at how quickly it comes together!

There are a few alternative techniques to learn when adding different colors of yarn while knitting. These include:

  • Stranded Colorwork – This technique is done by using two strands of yarn simultaneously, one for each color. You can use this method to create intricate patterns in different stitch combinations.
  • Slip Stitch Colorwork – This technique involves slipping stitches from one needle to another with a different color of yarn. The result is a woven look that adds texture and dimension to your project.
  • Fair Isle Knitting – Fair Isle knitting uses two or more colors of yarn per row, creating stripes or intricate geometric designs in multiple colors and textures.

These techniques all allow you to incorporate different colors into your knitting projects, resulting in unique and stunning pieces that will stand out!

As you practice each one more often, you’ll gain confidence and discover even more ways to combine colors with various stitch patterns. Once you’ve completed the pattern with the new color, it’s time to secure it before continuing on with the next section of your project.

Secure the New Color

Secure the new color with a few stitches and you’ll have a beautiful project that’s sure to impress!

When adjusting tension between colors, it’s important to keep the yarn tensioning consistent for each row. Before you start knitting, hold the two strands of yarn in your left hand and adjust them so they’re both at equal lengths. As you knit, use your fingers to gently pull on one strand of yarn while letting the other dangle free. This will help ensure that the tension is even throughout your project.

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After securing the new color with a few stitches, check again to make sure there isn’t too much slack in either strand of yarn. If there is, simply adjust by pulling or loosening accordingly until it looks right.

Once you’ve finished adjusting both strands of yarn for even tensioning, continue working through your pattern as normal using both colors. With time and practice, switching between colors will become second nature!

Pay attention to how well-secured each color transition is; when done correctly, it should look like one continuous piece of fabric rather than separate sections knitted with different colored yarns.

As you near completion of your project, take note that weaving in ends can be tricky if not done properly. Make sure all edges are neatly tucked away for a polished finish before moving on to this step!

Weave In the Ends

Completing weaving in the ends is key to giving your project a professional look, with research showing that it can make up to an 80% difference in the overall appearance of your knitting.

There are varied techniques you can use to weave in yarn ends, but all of them will give you magical results. One popular technique involves using a tapestry needle and threading the yarn end through stitches on the back side of your work. This ensures that your end is secure and invisible from either side.

Another method uses a crochet hook to weave in the ends by picking up loops from the back side and pulling them over each other until they are secured. Once you have chosen which technique works best for you, take your time when weaving in ends – this will ensure that they stay put and won’t unravel or come undone later on.

It’s important to be careful not to pull too tightly as this could cause puckering or pulling on the fabric of your work. To prevent bulkiness, make sure not to overlap any stitches while weaving in yarn ends and keep them close together without overlapping or leaving gaps between them.

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The last step is securing each woven-in end with a knot at least twice before trimming off any excess length with scissors. This is important as knots provide extra security against unravelling and should always be used when weaving in different color yarns into a project.

After completing these steps, you’ll have created neat edges around different sections of colorwork for a more finished result! Moving onto enjoying your finished project – it’s time to admire all your hard work!

Enjoy Your Finished Project

After weaving in the ends of your project, you’re ready to enjoy the vibrant design! Now that you know how to add different colors of yarn when knitting, you can use this skill to create some amazing and stylish accessories.

Here are three quick accessorizing tips:

  1. Use bright colors for a statement piece.
  2. Choose unique patterns for an eye-catching design.
  3. Consider adding fringe or tassels for a bohemian feel.

No matter what kind of project you make, don’t forget to have fun with it! Experiment with different color combinations, textures, and styles until you find something that fits your personality perfectly.

Adding a special touch like a button or charm will help make your item truly one-of-a-kind – it’s up to you to decide what makes your project special! So take all the knowledge that was discussed in this article, and go out there and make something beautiful!

With just a bit of practice, anyone can learn how to add different color yarn when knitting – so get creative and show off your new skills with pride!


Congrats! You’ve just added different colors of yarn to your knitting project.

Now you can enjoy the finished product and show it off with pride.

Remember, a stitch in time saves nine – so make sure you weave in those ends securely for a neat finish.

Who knows, maybe your hard work will be an inspiration for others to give this craft a try too!

Katherine Pearce
Katherine Pearce
Katherine Pearce is a knitting enthusiast and the founder of With a deep passion for the craft, Katherine aims to make knitting accessible to everyone, regardless of their skill level. Through, she provides online tutorials and resources to help others discover the joys of knitting and develop their skills.

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